Over 1.9 GW Wind & Solar For Aug 14 Brazil Tender

Copel Mercado Livre is expecting the August 14, 2020 auction in Brazil to be a very competitive one for solar and wind especially since the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy has not held any regulated auction since the beginning of this year. (Photo Credit: Copel)
Over 1.9 GW Wind & Solar For Aug 14 Brazil Tender
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  • Copel Mercado Livre is holding an energy auction for solar and wind energy to be held on August 14, 2020
  • It has registered 1,970 MW of total capacity where in solar and wind will compete to secure power supply contracts with Copel
  • Energy supply for winning projects is expected from 2022 to 2034 and from 2023 to 2035

A total of 1,970 of wind and solar power capacity has been registered for the August 14, 2020 public auction in Brazil by electricity utility Companhia Paranaense de Energia also known as Copel.

It is a special incentive energy auction being managed by Copel's subsidiary Copel Mercado Livre that will approve new projects for future delivery.

In the pre-qualification round, the subsidiary selected 1,970 MW capacity in the South, Southeast and Northeast submarkets. Projects that win the auction will supply clean power to Copel from 2022 to 2034 and from 2023 to 2035.

Copel Mercado Livre's Director General Franklin Miguel believes this auction to be very competitive since in 2020 so far, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has not held a regulated auction.

Details of the auction and timeline can be viewed on Copel Mercado Livre's website.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Mines and Energy postponed its A-4 renewable energy auction, scheduled for May 28, 2020, for an indefinite period citing the COVID-19 pandemic (see COVID-19: Renewable Energy Auctions Face The Heat).

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