Guarded and Guarding: JinkoSolar’s IP Portfolio Strategy in the TOPCon Era

Amid growing conflicts among solar manufacturers over TOPCon-related patents, TaiyangNews spoke with JinkoSolar Global Vice President Dany Qian to discuss the company's IP strategy
Dany Qian is a Global Vice President at JinkoSolar. Qian has extensive experience in scaling businesses in the solar industry and led the execution of JinkoSolar's market positioning strategy through the company's transformation into an industry leader. She played an important role in helping the company navigate turbulent times and rapid changes in the solar industry. Qian has also been very active in global sustainability development.
Dany Qian is a Global Vice President at JinkoSolar. Qian has extensive experience in scaling businesses in the solar industry and led the execution of JinkoSolar's market positioning strategy through the company's transformation into an industry leader. She played an important role in helping the company navigate turbulent times and rapid changes in the solar industry. Qian has also been very active in global sustainability development.
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of solar manufacturing, TOPCon technology has emerged as the state-of-the-art cell technology. This advancement, in addition to offering significant efficiency benefits, also provides several advantages over the now-dated PERC technology, such as a lower temperature coefficient and higher bifaciality. However, with the rise of TOPCon, manufacturing processes are becoming more aligned with semiconductor practices and are leading to increased intellectual property (IP) disputes.

In the past, patent infringement suits typically involved Western companies filing against Chinese manufacturers. Today, Chinese companies are increasingly filing IP lawsuits against domestic competitors. One company notably absent from these conflicts is JinkoSolar, a leader in the solar industry. To discuss JinkoSolar’s IP strategy and how the company remains insulated from such disputes, TaiyangNews spoke with Dany Qian, Global Vice President of JinkoSolar, about the company’s IP portfolio and its approach to navigating the increasingly competitive solar market.

TaiyangNews: JinkoSolar made significant contributions to the development of TOPCon solar cell technology, particularly in the commercialization and scaling up of this technology for high-volume production. We assume JinkoSolar has developed several proprietary processes during this journey. Can you provide more details about your IP portfolio related to TOPCon?

Dany Qian: JinkoSolar holds one of the industry's broadest IP portfolios, with more than 4,200 patents to date, and we are the largest holder of n-type TOPCon-related intellectual property. While I am unable to disclose specific technical details, I can confirm that our IP covers a wide range of critical TOPCon technologies. It would be challenging for other manufacturers to bypass these in production.

TaiyangNews: Recently, there has been a shift with Chinese companies filing patent infringement lawsuits against domestic competitors, whereas Western companies were typically the plaintiffs in the past. Although JinkoSolar has not been involved in these disputes, how well protected is the company in this landscape?

Dany Qian: Collaboration is key for us. In addition to securing our IP, JinkoSolar prefers to grant licenses for TOPCon technology at reasonable rates to other manufacturers and suppliers, allowing them to use it legally. This approach benefits JinkoSolar as a source of revenue, while other TOPCon producers gain access to available technologies without having to reinvent the wheel. For the industry, collaboration accelerates technological advancement and brings more value to customers. However, this doesn't mean we won't take legal action if necessary. We are prepared to enforce our patents if unauthorized use occurs, as it could affect our market position.

TaiyangNews: How does JinkoSolar’s approach to R&D and patent development help the company stay ahead of competitors while avoiding infringement issues?

Dany Qian: JinkoSolar's consistent focus on innovation has led to 26 record-breaking achievements in cell efficiency. Our investments in R&D are substantial, with around 6% of our annual net revenue allocated to research, which totaled RMB 6.9 billion in 2023. This investment, along with our experienced IP team and partnerships with law firms in key markets, ensures that we remain at the forefront of technological development while avoiding infringement.

TaiyangNews: What strategies has JinkoSolar implemented to safeguard its customers from potential supply chain disruptions due to patent litigations involving other companies?

Dany Qian: JinkoSolar does not take on IP risks by adopting or producing technology associated with infringement. We also ensure that we do not purchase raw materials, semi-finished, or OEM products that carry any IP risks based on our evaluations.

TaiyangNews: How can you assure your clients that the products they purchase from JinkoSolar are protected from lawsuits and patent disputes?

Dany Qian: Before scaling up production based on new technology, JinkoSolar builds a robust IP portfolio that covers key technologies and processes. Our IP professionals work closely with R&D engineers to identify and mitigate any IP risks, ensuring that no infringement occurs before we move to mass production. Additionally, if needed, JinkoSolar obtains licenses or engages in cross-licensing to expand our IP holdings. This approach positions us as one of the safest suppliers of solar and energy storage solutions when it comes to IP protection.

TaiyangNews: Within your patent portfolio, which of the 2 do you consider to be your strongest assets – process innovations or structural designs?

Dany Qian: Both are equally important. We have a strong R&D team focused on process innovations, as well as an experienced IP team that emphasizes structural design. As our innovations grow, so does our IP portfolio. JinkoSolar has built a formidable IP portfolio by starting early and strategically acquiring IP, in line with our business objectives.

TaiyangNews: Could you discuss any recent innovations or patents JinkoSolar has secured, particularly in the area of TOPCon or related solar technologies?

Dany Qian: While I cannot disclose specific technical details at this time, I can share that we now have over 980 applied TOPCon patents and 460 authorized patents, covering nearly all key processes. As mentioned before, it is becoming increasingly difficult for competitors to bypass or work around these patents if they use TOPCon technology.

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