3.3 GW Wind-Solar Tender Launched By GSE

Italy Opens 7th Renewable Energy Auction Round For Large Scale Projects

Italy’s GSE has opened the 7th renewable energy auction round, after declaring results for the 6th round. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Peteri/Shutterstock.com)
  • GSE has launched Italy’s 7th renewable energy auction with 3.3 GW wind and solar PV capacity to be won
  • The tender round will also comprise 2.485 GW renewables capacity that was not assigned in the last 6 auction rounds
  • Bidders can submit applications by October 30, 2021, and winners will be announced by January 28, 2022

Italian energy agency Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE) has officially launched the 7th renewable energy auction round of the country, offering incentives for power generated from 3.312 GW of new wind and solar PV plants.

New hydroelectric plants will have 104 MW capacity to win. In addition, 2.485 GW capacity that was not assigned in the last 6 auction rounds will also be available to win. It comprises 260 MW of wind and solar projects.

Last date to submit bids is October 30, 2021. According to tender details on GSE’s website, it plans to announced results of the 7th round by January 28, 2022.

Recently, GSE also released the results of the 6th renewable energy auction round, awarding more than 595 MW for projects with 1 MW and higher capacity. Among winners were 23 solar farms that secured around 299 MW, while 12 wind energy projects laid claim to some 296 MW capacity.

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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