TaiyangNews Report on 500W+ Solar Modules 2020

TaiyangNews Publishes First Report on 500W+ Solar Modules, Presenting Changes In Wafer, Cell And Module Manufacturing To Assemble Very Large Scale Panels; Features Products of Pioneers In This Segment
TaiyangNews Report on 500W+ Solar Modules 2020

<a href="https://images.assettype.com/taiyangnews/2024-06/f13d55ed-2eca-4143-a1d4-d31f5679c0a0/TaiyangNews_Report_500W_Solar_Modules_2020_download_EN_v1.pdf"><img src="https://images.assettype.com/taiyangnews/import/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/n_bus_report_500W-Solar-Modules_ms-2020-08-04.png"/></a>The latest trend in solar module technology are very high-power modules with power ratings of 500 W and more for large-scale installations. By end of July, seven leading module manufacturers had officially entered
the 500 W+ 'club', releasing product data specs with concrete roadmaps to quickly step into and expand high- volume production in the coming months.

This first TaiyangNews Report on 500 W+ Modules, in addition to providing details of the new solar module products recently announced, also discusses the changes and corresponding implications to produce 500 W+ modules along three stages of the process chain – wafers, cells and modules. As larger wafers are a key ingredient, the report also provides background on the evolution of large-scale wafers.

The 500 W+ modules featured in the report are from:

  • Ja Solar

  • JinkoSolar

  • LONGi Solar

  • Maxeon Solar Technologies / SunPower

  • Risen Energy

  • Trina Solar

The TaiyangNews Report on 500W+ Solar Modules is for download free of charge here.

For recordings of the 500W+ module manufacturers presenting at the TaiyangNews report launch event on Jul 29/30, please check our Youtube Channel.

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