
Amazon To Source Solar Power In Japan

Anu Bhambhani
  • Mitsubishi and Amazon have signed a 10-year PPA for the latter to source 22 MW solar power capacity in Japan
  • A Mitsubishi subsidiary will set up 450 solar power stations through West Holdings Corporation
  • Electricity generated will be supplied to data centers owned and operated by AWS

Global e-commerce retailer Amazon has made its 1st corporate renewable energy procurement agreement in Japan for 22 MW solar energy capacity. Under a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), this solar energy from some 450 solar power stations will be supplied to data centers owned and operated by Amazon subsidiary Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS).

Facilitated by MC Retail Energy, Japan based end-to-end renewable energy solutions provider West Holdings Corporation will build and maintain these solar power stations with a total installed capacity of close to 22 MW for Amazon and supply wholesale electricity.

MC subsidiary Mitsubishi Corporation Energy Solutions Ltd. will manage construction of the solar power facilities, while Ireland headquartered ElectroRoute will forecast the facilities' output and hedge power generation imbalances. The PPA will kick into effect from April 2023 when the projects come online.

This contract for Amazon follows its arrangement with TotalEnergies to procure 474 MW renewable energy from the latter's US and European renewable energy projects, while the French company will use AWS as its key cloud provider (see Strategic Collaboration Between TotalEnergies & Amazon).