
BayWa Secures Solar VPPA For 200 GWh In Spain

Anu Bhambhani
  • Huhtamaki has entered a 10-year solar VPPA with BayWa for 200 GWh annually
  • BayWa will build this capacity in Spain in the form of 2 new solar installations
  • This capacity is enough to cover close to 80% of the company's current electricity in Europe

Finland headquartered global food and beverage packaging company Huhtamaki has entered what it terms as the 'largest' solar virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) for European packaging industry to date, with Germany based renewable energy company BayWa r.e.

The deal will enable BayWa to build 2 new solar installations in Spain with a combined power generation capacity of 200 GWh annually, 'bringing a significant addition of renewable energy to the European grid'.

The 10-year VPPA as the '1st' major solar VPPA by a Finnish company covers Huhtamaki's operations in Europe with 200 GWh solar power capacity. It is aimed at covering close to 80% of the company's current electricity usage in Europe where it operates 18 manufacturing sites in 10 nations.

Huhtamaki said this deal aligns with the group's 2030 strategy to use 100% renewable electricity for all its operations to ensure carbon neutral production.

"The agreement with BayWa r.e. is our first VPPA, in line with our shift to renewable energy sources globally. We expect to embark on other VPPA's shortly, with the next one in the United States," shared Huhtamaki's Executive Vice President, Sustainability and Communications, Thomasine Kamerling. "In addition, we are installing solar panels at our sites where feasible and working relentlessly to improve our energy efficiency."

Both the partners said they are committed to protecting and fostering biodiversity during the construction and throughput the operation of the solar power park.