
Ecoligo To Acquire C&I Solar Projects In Ghana

Anu Bhambhani
  • Namene Solar has sold off its West African power division portfolio to ecoligo
  • It comprises C&I projects which ecoligo will add to its existing Ghana solar portfolio of 3.7 MW
  • Namene Solar said it will now focus on scaling its global solar lights business

Solar power company operating in West Africa, Namene Solar is shedding its commercial and industrial (C&I) solar power portfolio in Ghana, a country where it has been active since 2015. It will be purchased by its German partner in the region, ecoligo GmbH.

Namene Solar said the portfolio, whose capacity it did not specify, includes a 400 kW solar system installed for Central University in partnership with ecoligo. The company will instead focus its West Africa operations to scale its global solar lights business for which it has found interest among 'leading NGOs and high-volume corporate buyers.

"We are delighted to announce that ecoligo will be taking over Namene Solar's C&I projects division in Ghana, ensuring continuity for our staff and customers whilst we focus Namene Solar's West African operations towards our market leading small-scale solar lights offering," said Namene Solar Director Jason Wallis.

The German solar utility and crowdfunding company will add Namene Solar West Africa's power division to its Ghana portfolio where it already has 3.7 MW solar power capacity. The acquisition will enable it to further grow its business here.

Ecoligo is expanding in multiple markets in Africa as well as in Vietnam, among others. In April 2021, it commissioned a 69 kW floating solar PV plant in Kenya for a flower farm (see Kenya's 1st Floating Solar Power Plant Online).

Namene Solar had entered into a joint venture with Yingli Green Energy Europe Gmbh, a subsidiary of China's Yingli Solar in September 2015 to create Yingli Namene West Africa Limited. It had the mandate to develop 100 MW of utility scale and 50 MW commercial rooftop solar projects in Ghana and neighboring nations, deploying Yingli's solar modules.  The company later rebranded itself as Namene Solar.