
European Energy To Explore Solar Power Market In US

Anu Bhambhani
  • European Energy is launching a joint venture in the US solar market in partnership with the Renewable Energy International
  • It claims to have a solar power project pipeline of 450 MW capacity on the East Coast of the country
  • European Energy is also investing in 1,276 acres of land in Texas to develop a solar power project on site that was previously used for oil and gas extraction

European Energy A/S of Denmark has joined hands with US based Renewable Energy International to expand its operations in the US market. The joint venture (JV) with the American developer will develop solar power projects on the East Coast of the country.

Currently, the partners claim to have a solar project pipeline of 450 MW in the states of Maine, Massachusetts, Virginia and South Carolina.

At the same time, European Energy has revealed it is buying 1,276 acres of land in Texas, previously used for extracting oil and gas and as cattle ranch, to develop a solar power project on site.

The Texas project will be located in the Hood, Sommervell and Johnston counties, southwest of Dallas. The Danish developer plans to start construction on site in H1/2022, and on completion in 2023, the project will be connected to the local grid.

"Because of the new political winds in the US, we see a massive need for green energy in the US, and Texas has recently been significantly challenged on security of supply," said European Energy CEO, Knud Erik Andersen. "The solar farm will be optimally located in relation to providing green energy to the citizens of Texas."

Jan Vedde of European Energy will be speaking during the Solar Trackers—How to Follow The Sun Optimally To Maximize Yield Of Utility-Scale PV Systems virtual conference of TaiyangNews to be held on April 13, 2021. While trackers are mostly used in very sunny regions, he will discuss the developer's experience with tracker technology in the Northern Hemisphere. The conference will be the launch event for our 1st Market Survey on Solar Trackers. Free registrations can be done here.