
MegaCell Line For Sale

Shravan Chunduri

"I would like to inform you that MegaCell solar cell production line is on sale," Mark Rossetto, Chief of Operations at MegaCell wrote today on LinkedIn. He gave no reasons for the sale in his post, but invited interested parties to contact him.

According to Rosetto, the line has an annual capacity of 70 to 80 MW, and was "updated and improved in 2014 to 2015." He says, that the line is still working and produces standard and bifacial mono and multi cells, up to 5 busbars, using both P and N type wafers.

Rosetto says the bifacial n-type cells have efficiencies up to 21% on the front side; the bifacial gain is higher than 85%. The company has developed together with the ISC solar research center in Konstanz, Germany, a very promising bifacial, n-type solar cell, called BiSon.

Only end of February, MegaCell published a release saying a private installation of 4.4 kW provided an average yield that is 120% greater than a standard system. On February 18, it published that, " Thanks to the recent high efficiency achievements of the BiSoN Cell with 5.17 W on the front side, produced at MegaCell's Italian factory and equipped with four busbars, it is now possible to produce a bifacial 300 Wp module with 60 cells."

The MegaCell line equipment is very modern, coming from Centrotherm, Rena, Stangl, Applied Materials.

MegaCell is based in Carmignano di Brenta, Italy. It is a MegaGroup Company of Italian PV pioneer Franco Traverso.