
R.Power Partners With Nomad & Onde

Meena Nair
  • R.Power Group signs agreement with infrastructure companies Nomad Electric and Onde
  • Power to develop 135 solar PV plants in Poland with a combined capacity of 400 MW
  • Nomad & Onde to install and construct the plants, and will not be involved in the supply of modules and inverters
  • Nomad to build 72 plants, whose value is pegged at $41.8 million
  • Onde to construct 63 plants, whose value is worth $40.3 million

Solar PV farms developer R.Power Group and infrastructure companies Nomad Electric and Onde together plan to develop 135 solar PV plants in Poland with a combined capacity of 400 MW, a news report said.

While Nomad and Onde will install and construct the plants throughout Poland, these companies will not be involved in the supply of modules and inverters. Out of the 135 projects, Nomad will build 72 plants, whose value is pegged at $41.8 million, and Onde will construct 63 plants, whose value is worth $40.3 million. The projects are expected to be commissioned by 2023 at the latest.

In November, R.Power had expanded into distribution business with the acquisition of Polish solar module distributor Menlo Electric (see R.Power To Take Over Menlo Electric)