
RenewSys’ Encapsulant Output Now 3 GW

Anu Bhambhani
  • RenewSys has expanded its encapsulant production capacity from 1.65 GW to 3 GW with the addition of extra line
  • It is already working to expand it by another 1 GW to take it to 4 GW in all at the Bengaluru location
  • Management said the company will further scale up encapsulant capacity by 8 GW in phased manner to take it to 11 GW

Indian solar PV encapsulant and backsheet manufacturer RenewSys India Pvt Ltd has completed the planned expansion of its encapsulant production capacity to 3 GW, up from 1.65 GW at its Bengaluru located fab. Now it aims to increase the overall encapsulant capacity to 11 GW.

The additional encapsulant line added can produce both ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin elastomer (POE). Management said, the addition of yet another GW of encapsulant production capacity is already underway which will expand the total capacity to 4 GW.

RenewSys said it plans to achieve 11 GW encapsulant output by adding 8 GW in phases. The company also has 4 GW of backsheets manufacturing capacity, 1.75 GW of modules and 130 MW cells.

The solar module manufacturing plant Patalganga in Maharashtra is being expanded to 2 GW which will be operational in phases from February 2022 onwards.

"The support of the MNRE and the impetus to the 'Make in India' movement has been fueling the set-up of PV module manufacturing facilities pan India," said Global CEO and Managing Director of RenewSys Avinash Hiranandani. "We welcome all these new businesses and look forward to partnering in their growth journey, by supplying them with world-class PV Encapsulants and Backheets, made right here- in India."

RenewSys launched a new EVA encapsulant in December 2021 that it said will lower manufacturing cost and increase module manufacturing productivity of plants by 10% to 20% (see India PV News Snippets).