
Tongwei Leads PV InfoLink’s 2020 Cell Shipment Ranking

Anu Bhambhani
  • PV InfoLink's 2020 solar cell shipment ranking has Tongwei leading the race
  • It is followed by Aiko Solar Energy, Suzhou Run Sunshine or Runergy, ShanXi Lu'An and Zhongyu Photovoltaic Technology or Solar Space, in that order
  • Together the top 5 solar cell suppliers, all from China, accounted for about 55 GW of total shipments in 2020
  • As module makers demand more large sized cells while entering into long term supply contracts, PV InfoLink believes it could lead to a serious oversupply of monocrystalline PERC cell capacity in the future

Chinese solar PV market intelligence firm PV InfoLink has placed solar cell and polysilicon manufacturer Tongwei again on top of its 2020 solar cell shipment ranking, which has not changed since H1/2020 (see Tongwei Secures Top Spot In Solar Cell Shipment Ranking).

While PV InfoLink does not share the exact shipment numbers from the companies featured on its list, the analysts say that the top 5 manufacturers were:

  1. Tongwei Solar,
  2. Aiko Solar Energy,
  3. Suzhou Run Sunshine or Runergy,
  4. ShanXi Lu'An and
  5. Zhongyu Photovoltaic Technology or Solar Space (in that order)

They accounted for about 55 GW of total cell shipments in 2020. This represents an annual growth of over 60% over 2019 for the top 5 companies, 'which also shows the concentration of cells', and PV InfoLink added that the 'degree is becoming more obvious'.

As the trend towards large wafer sized cells and modules grows and almost all module makers increasingly demand these sizes, cell makers have had to make plans to expand their capacity. Some of them are also actively planning to add N-type production capacity going forward. Most tier II and tier III manufacturers will also increase their capacity this year leading to what PV InfoLink warns about a 'serious surplus' for monocrystalline PERC cell capacity expected to be about twice as much as in 2020.

Pointing towards alliances and long-term orders entered between members of the PV supply chain of late, PV InfoLink points out that the layout and strategy of manufacturers is crucial as industrial concentration increases and oversupply concerns emerge.

This cell shipment ranking for the year 2020 follows PV InfoLink's module shipment ranking for the same period that saw LONGi Solar replacing JinkoSolar from the top spot with over 20 GW shipped (see LONGi Largest Solar Module Supplier In 2020).

TaiyangNews has launched its Advanced Module Technologies 2021 Report that delves into the current trend of large wafer sized products along with half cell technology and other advancements in the PV manufacturing industry today. It is available for free download here.

The report was launched during a 2-day virtual conference on Advanced Module Technologies for Rooftop & Utility Scale Applications hosted by TaiyangNews with speakers from top 6 of the top 10 companies on PV InfoLink's 2020 module shipments list. While Day I had Trina Solar, Risen Energy and Canadian Solar discussed the benefits of 210mm sized solar modules (see Day I: TaiyangNews Advanced Module Technologies Conference), Day 2 had LONGi Solar, JinkoSolar and Chint/Astronergy sharing perspectives on higher module efficiency and LCOE advantages of large sized modules especially 182mm (see Day 2: TaiyangNews Advanced Module Technologies Conference).