
Trina Solar Shipped 15.91 GW Modules In 2020

Anu Bhambhani
  • Trina Solar's aggregate shipments of solar modules globally grew to a total of 15.91 GW in 2020
  • Its total production capacity went up to 22 GW at the end of 2020, and plans to reach over 50 GW by the end of 2021
  • Its operating income in 2020 was reported to have grown 26.14% to RMB 29.418 billion

Chinese solar cell and module producer Trina Solar shipped a total of 15.915 GW of solar modules in the year 2020, the company announced in its annual report for the year. This is slightly higher than 15.88 GW its peer JA Solar shipped last year (see JA To Up Module Capacity To 40 GW By Year End).

The 15.91 GW quantity also includes 2.63 GW it shipped for its own power plants.

At the end of 2020, Trina Solar's total module production capacity reached about 22 GW, and the management has time and again reiterated its target to exceed 50 GW by the end of 2021 (see 4 GW Order For Trina Solar's 210mm Solar Modules). By year end, it has also guided for its total solar cell production capacity to reach about 35 GW, of which 210mm sized capacity should represent more than 70% share. In January 2021 Trina said it plans to raise RMB 5.26 billion to fund its capacity expansion to exceed 50 GW modules and more than 26 GW of cells (see Trina Solar To Raise Over RMB 5 Billion To Fund Expansion).

Trina Solar reported RMB 29.418 billion operating income in 2020, growing 26.14% annually, with RMB 29.06 billion contributed by the sales of PV modules and system products, representing an annual growth of 28.55%. Detailed 2020 annual report of Trina Solar was submitted by the management to the stock exchange.

In February 2021, Trina Solar had shared its unaudited results when it expected its operating income for 2020 as RMB 29.5 billion (see Trina Solar Improved 2020 Net Income By Over 92% YoY).

The company presented details of its 210mm wafer based modules at our TaiyangNews Advanced Solar Modules Conference 2021, the recording is available here.

As the only leading module manufacturer operating an in-house tracker production line, TrinaTracker will talk at the upcoming TaiyangNews virtual conference on Solar Trackers on April 13; free registration here.