
200 MW Solar Powered Green Hydrogen Project In Greece

Anu Bhambhani
  • A green hydrogen plant proposed in Greece has received the status of country's 1st Flagship Investment of Exceptional Importance
  • It will comprise 200 MW solar PV capacity and 100 MW energy storage to power a 50 MW electrolyzer to produce 16 tons green hydrogen a day
  • It will be built by Blue Sky 300 Energy that has been founded by Hive Energy of the UK

A 200 MW solar power plant accompanied by 100 MW energy storage system of lithium batteries to power a 50 MW electrolysis unit in Greece has received the status of Flagship Investment of Exceptional Importance by the country's Interministerial Strategic Investments Committee (DESE).

To be built for €226.4 million, the project has been proposed by the project company Blue Sky 300 Energy which was founded by UK based energy group Hive Energy Limited, reported local business daily ekathimerini. It added that the project is the 1st in the country to have secured this status after relevant law was passed.

The project will have 200 MW solar power capacity installed as several individual parks. It will power the electrolyzer to produce 16 ton green hydrogen every day. It is expected to generate 442 jobs during construction and 24 during operation of the project.

According to information available on Hive Energy's website, the company claims to have 617 MW project capacity in Greece at various stages of development, including 467 MW in PV, 100 MW in storage and 50 MW in green hydrogen and all of which have cleared their environmental assessments.

Back in September 2021, Advent Technologies Holdings' 4.65 GW green hydrogen and 400 MW fuel cell heat and power production projects to replace Greece's largest coal-fired plants with solar energy parks, secured the status of Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) from the government and submitted to the European Union (EU).