
25 GW Solar & Wind For Oman’s Green Hydrogen Project

Anu Bhambhani
  • OQ, InterContinental Energy and EnerTech launch Oman Green Energy Hub to produce green hydrogen with the help of 25 GW solar and wind energy capacity
  • The idea is to produce 1.8 million tons of green hydrogen annually and up to 10 million tons green ammonia
  • Location of the project is ideal to cater to green fuel needs of various sectors including aviation, shipping, and regions of North West Europe and East Asia, according to the partners

Adding to the list of some mega scale green hydrogen projects in the making around the world is yet another one with a vision to produce 1.8 million of tons of zero-carbon' renewable hydrogen annually, and up to 10 million tons green ammonia annually. It will be located in Oman, and generated with the help of 25 GW worth of solar and wind power.

The consortium that has devised the project include Oman's state-owned oil and gas firm OQ, Kuwait government backed clean energy investor and developer EnerTech, and green hydrogen developer InterContinental Energy that's also partnering for the Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) in Australia, with 26 GW wind and solar capacity (see Asian Renewable Energy Hub To Grow To 26 GW).

Hydrogen to be produced using 25 GW solar and wind power at full capacity under what InterContinental Energy terms as the Oman Green Energy Hub can be used locally, exported directly or converted into green ammonia for international export which would be feasible given the site's strategic location between Europe and Asia.

Sustainable resources

The decision behind using solar and wind power is the 'excellent solar irradiance' during the day, and wind resource facing the Arabian Sea at night time, enabling a 'secure and reliable supply of green fuels globally at a highly competitive price'. Its location near the coast allows it to use seawater and undertake electrolysis process.


Demand is expected to come from shipping sector for green ammonia, aviation sector that can use synthetic fuels made out of green hydrogen, rail and trucking and heavy industry regions of North West Europe to fuel their industrial processes including steel production. The consortium also sees coal and gas reliant power companies across East Asia to transition to green ammonia to lower their carbon emissions.

According to OQ, the project will offer a secure and reliable supply of green fuels globally at a highly competitive rate.

What's in for Oman?

The project is a result of wind and solar monitoring analysis in Al Wusta Governorate of Oman since 2019, and the collaboration between the partners for more than 3 years. The trio said they plan to leverage their broad existing commercial relationships and partnerships to secure long-term product sales agreements.

For Oman, OQ sees the project transforming the region's skills base in renewable energy, while creating high value jobs. "Given the amount of equipment required at a project of this scale, it could also support the development of Oman's renewable energy supply chain manufacturing and expertise," stated OQ.

"Alternative energy is a key driver for OQ's long term growth and a cornerstone of its strategy. It is also in line with the country's ambitious Oman Vision 2040 that aims to diversify the nation's resources and maximize the financial value derived," added OQ's CEO Alternative Energy Alim Al Huthaili.

Some of the other green hydrogen initiatives announced across the world include the Green Hydrogen Catapult of 7 companies including Saudi Arabia's ACWA Power, that aims to deploy 25 GW renewable hydrogen through electrolyzers, powered by wind and solar (see 25 GW Renewable Hydrogen Production Plans Unveiled).

In February 2021, 30 European companies launched the Green Hydrogen Initiative eying 95 GW solar and 67 GW electrolysis capacity by 2030 to deliver 100% green hydrogen across Europe for €1.5 per kg (see 95 GW Solar & 67 GW Electrolysis By 2030).