
342 MW: Iran’s Total Solar Capacity Till July 2019

Anu Bhambhani
  • Iran's SATBA has released total installed renewable energy capacity numbers till July 2019, reaching 760 MW
  • Out of this, solar's share is the largest at 45% accounting for 342 MW in total
  • The 760 MW comes from 115 renewable power plants generating 3,286 million kWh of electricity
  • Till July 2019, the country had 32 projects under construction representing 380 MW capacity

By July 2019, Iran's cumulative installed renewable energy capacity had reached 760 MW with solar making up 45% or 342 MW, which represents the largest share, according to the country's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA), which is headed by the Ministry of Energy.

This is a growth of 12.5% or 38 MW over 304 MW SATBA reported for total installed solar capacity in April 2019 (see Iran's Cumulative Solar Capacity Exceeds 300 MW).

Wind power capacity comes next to solar with 40% (304 MW) of total renewables, followed by small hydropower (91.2 MW), waste heat recovery (WHR) (15.2 MW  and biomass (7.6 MW).

Iran's total renewable energy capacity of 760 MW comes from 115 power plants and is capable of generating 3,286 million kWh of clean energy. Currently there are 32 RE plants still under construction accounting for a capacity of 380 MW.

Iran also announced grid connection of a 10 MW solar power plant in Kurdeh district of Larestan city on July 30, 2019, completed by Takht-e-jamshid Pars Energy. It is expected to feed 16 GWh of clean power into the grid. With this project switched on, SATBA said Fars province has now 58.6 MW of cumulative solar power capacity.