
Brazilian PV Capacity To Reach 1 GW By Year End

Anu Bhambhani
  • Brazilian Solar Association ABSOLAR expects the country to achieve 1 GW of installed solar power capacity by the end of 2017
  • End of June, 237 MW was installed, including 145 MW of large scale and 92 MW of distributed generation PV
  • ABSOLAR estimates that 3,300 MW PV has been contracted through energy auctions, which are supposed to be completed by 2018
  • Government estimates that another 530.4 MW of large scale solar power capacity will be connected to the grid by end of 2017

Brazil's installed solar power capacity will touch 1,000 MW by the end of 2017, projects the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (ABSOLAR). This would be a 325% growth rate compared to the 237 MW installed by end of June.

The 237 MW includes 145 MW of large scale solar and 92 MW of distributed generation PV, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy  This compares to 23 MW of large scale solar power capacity a year back and zero distributed generation PV capacity.

ABSOLAR says 3,300 MW PV have been contracted through energy auctions that are expected to be completed by 2018.

The association believes that investments in solar will likely total 4.5 billion BRL ($1.44 billion) until the end of 2017. In terms of employment generation, each MW of PV energy installed is anticipated to result in 25 to 30 jobs

Brazil's government is positive that another 530.4 MW of large scale solar power capacity will be connected to the grid by year end, 1,349 MW by 2018 and 180 MW by the end of 2019.

ABSOLAR expects the government to hold a solar energy auction in 2017.

Recently, the ministry announced that the country can achieve more than 13 GW of large-scale PV capacity by 2026 (see Brazil projects Over 13 GW PV By 2026).