
China Installed Close To 80 GW New PV In 5M/2024

Anu Bhambhani
  • NEA counts China's newly installed solar PV capacity during 5M/2024 as exceeding 79 GW
  • It includes over 19 GW new PV additions reported for the month of May 2024
  • Altogether, the aggregate installed solar PV capacity of China increased to around 690 GW

China's National Energy Administration (NEA) says the country's cumulative installed solar PV capacity at the end of May 2024 increased to about 690 GW. This comprises 79.15 GW of new additions between January 2024 and May 2024.

These 5M/2024 additions represent an increase of 17.94 GW annually, compared to 61.21 GW the country installed last year over the same time period.

This means in the month of May 2024, China installed 19.04 GW new capacity after having installed close to 14.37 GW in the previous month. During 4M/2024, China's new PV additions totaled 60.11 GW.

In comparison, wind power grew by 19.76 GW during the initial 5 months this year, according to the NEA.

As of May 2024-end, China's total installed power generation capacity was 3.04 TW, representing an annual increase of 14.1%. To this, along with 690 GW of solar PV, wind energy represented 460 GW. Together solar PV and wind energy now account for 1.15 TW together, only 50 GW away from the 1.2 GW TW goal that will be achieved years ahead of the 2030 target.