
China PV News: GCL, China Datang, Risen, GGE, Trina

Meena Nair

GCL announces granular silicon technology breakthrough: Chinese solar grade polysilicon producer GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd announced that various standards of its granular silicon, based on Fluidized Bed Reactor (FBR), have made breakthroughs in terms of achieving monocrystalline purity at its 10,000 metric ton FBR factory. The company claims that its FBR produced silicon has met quality standards in line with Siemens process. However, the yield of granular silicon is approximately 99%, out of which 90% can be used for monocrystalline materials. Last year, GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited has broken ground to build phase 1 of its production capacity expansion project aiming for 54,000 metric ton (MT) capacity, and had said that it will deploy its silane FBR technology for mass production of granular silicon. (see GCL Starts Polysilicon Production Expansion Work)

China Datang announces Feb power generation capacity: The power generation of China Datang Corporation and its subsidiaries for February 2021 on consolidated basis amounted to 2,419 GWh, representing an increase of 49.27% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020. Out of this, the photovoltaic power generation amounted to 48 GWh, representing an increase of 140.78% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020. Wind and gas power generation accounted for the rest.

Risen and GGE sign EPC agreement for Australia's 100 MW PV project: Chinese solar PV module producer Risen Energy's Australian branch and Green Gold Energy have signed an agreement on the development and EPC of solar power stations in Australia. The two power plants in this cooperation include 16 projects with a total installed capacity of 100 MW (DC)/77 MW (AC). Once the power station is completed, it will provide electricity to 25,000 Australian households each year and will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 140,000 tons.

Trina's 82 MWp solar project in Colombia connected to grid: Bosques de Los Llanos, Colombia's second largest solar project developed and managed by Chinese solar module manufacturer Trina Solar has been connected to the grid for power generation. This is the second phase of the project, while the third phase is currently underway, and Trina will be providing 2,250 tracking brackets and 200,000 modules for this project to achieve the optimal LCOE. In December last year, Trina had released its 600W+ tracking system (see China PV News Snippets: Trina, Jinko, Akcome, CSI)