
China PV News Snippets

Meena Nair

Tongwei's Jintang facility produces first solar cells; Trina & CSG partner for 70,000 tons of silicon material; Cloud Live and Shenzhen Pule to build 15 GW n-type cell facility; All-black HJT module produced by SunketSolar.

Tongwei Jintang facility produces cells in Phase II: Integrated solar PV manufacturer Tongwei Solar announced that its Jintang high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cell facility's second phase has successfully produced its first cell. Tongwei said  this is to be one of the first '5G facilities' in the global photovoltaic industry. Meanwhile, Tongwei produced 107,300 tons polysilicon in H1/2022, reflecting an annual increase of 112.15% (see Tongwei Sold 22 GW Cells In H1/2022)

Trina Solar and CSG ink 70,000 tons of silicon material deal: Chinese solar module manufacturer Trina Solar announced it has signed a long-order purchase deal with solar PV manufacturer CSG Holding for high-purity silicon materials. As per the deal, Trina will purchase high-purity silicon raw material products from CSG from the period 2023 to 2026. The purchase quantity is estimated to be 70,000 tons, and the purchase amount will be about RMB 21.21 billion ($3.02 billion) (tax included). Last month, Trina Solar's n-type monocrystalline silicon Vertex solar module with 210 mm sized cell had achieved 24.24% aperture efficiency (see Trina Solar Reports 24.24% Module Efficiency Record)

Cloud Live & Shenzhen Pule to build 15 GW n-type cell facility: Private catering enterprise group in China, Cloud Live Technology Group, said in an announcement that it has partnered with new energy company, Shenzhen Pule New Energy Investment. Both the companies plan to invest in a 15 GW ultra-high-efficiency n-type crystalline silicon cell facility. The construction will take place in two phases.

  • In the first phase, a facility with 5 GW production capacity will be built. This 5 GW facility will again be built in two phases – first will be of 1 GW, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2022; and the second phase of 4 GW, which will be completed by 2023.
  • In the second phase, 3 GW capacity production will be taken up initially, and then 7 GW will be added in the latter stages to achieve 10 GW production capacity.

SunketSolar produces all-black HJT module: Solar company SunketSolar said via WeChat that its first double-glass bifacial all-black heterojunction module has been successfully produced. The module adopts a black grid glass backplane and a black frame design, which is the company underlines is appealing and efficient. These modules will be suitable for residential, industrial, and commercial distributed projects. Currently, the company offers 166mm 120-cell series 400 W products and 166mm 144-cell series 480 W panels.