
China PV News Snippets: Lingda, Konka, Zhonghuan, Huawei

Meena Nair

First phase of Lingda's silicon cell production line to reach 3 GW:  Wang Zhengyu, chairman and president  of Lingda Group, a Chinese company active in waste heat power generation among others, said in the 2020 annual results briefing that Phase 1 of its high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cell production line is in mass-production and can reach a scale of up to 3 GW. Meanwhile, the second phase of a 5 GW TOPCon high-efficiency cell production is compatible with large-size and MBB technology. Earlier this year, Lingda had raised RMB 1.2 billion for a 5 GW cell production (see China PV News Snippets: ReneSola, Maxwell, Jinko, Lingda)

Konka New Materials invests RMB 2 billion in PV glass: Holding subsidiary of Konka Group, Jiangxi Konka New Materials Co., Ltd is investing RMB 2 billion ($0.31 billion) in new energy photovoltaic glass capacity. The project will technically transform two-existing nano-microcrystalline lines in the Yunshan Nano Factory into a solar photovoltaic glass production line, with a total production capacity of 1,200 tons, a Polaris Solar PV Reuters report stated. The first phase is expected to be put into operation before June this year, the second phase before November this year, and the third phase before June next year.

Zhonghuan's 50 GW (G12) production project in Ningxia begins: The ground-breaking ceremony of the Ningxia Zhonghuan Photovoltaic Materials Co., Ltd. 50GW (G12) solar-grade monocrystalline silicon material smart factory project was successfully held in Yinchuan, Chinese solar blogger PV-Men reported. The guests, including leaders of Ningxia Autonomous Region and Yinchuan City, heads of financial units, heads of cooperative enterprises, industry colleagues, and media personnel discussed the 210 development trends, technological innovations, industrial upgrades and other topic of China's photovoltaic industry. It was in February this year that Zhonghuan & Ningxia signed a G12 silicon investment agreement (see China PV News Snippets: JYT, Autowell, JA, Zhonghuan)

Huawei releases smart optical and smart string energy storage solutions: At the Smart Optical Storage Conference 2021 held in Beijing, Chinese multinational technology company Huawei launched its Smart Optical Storage Solution and Smart String Energy Storage Solution. The company said it has worked with industry authorities and partners to focus on power station safety, high-current component adaptation, and new trends in energy storage.