
China PV News Snippets: Trina, Jinko, Akcome, CSI

Meena Nair
  • Trina Solar releases Vanguard 600W+ series tracking system for the Chinese market
  • JinkoPower and Beijing Energy to partner and work on the development and construction of domestic photovoltaic power generation projects
  • Akcome Technology announced that its subsidiary Zhejiang Akcome has successfully produced its first commercial heterojunction cell
  • The National Energy Administration in China said that 3.49 GW capacity has been added and the cumulative residential PV capacity has reached 10.12 GW in November

Trina Solar releases 600W+ tracking system: Chinese solar company Trina Solar Co.Ltd., released its Vanguard 600W+ series tracking system for the Chinese market. This series is highly reliable, low in operation and maintenance, and has multiple power generation and unified channels, according to the company. Speaking on the current status and trends of photovoltaic tracking mounts, Duan Shunwei, General Manager of Trina Solar Tracking Stent business, said that the PV industry has now entered the 600W+ ultra-high-power era based on 210mm high power 600W+ and 550W modules. Trina Solar presented about its 600W+ modules at a recent TaiyangNews Conference (see TaiyangNews 500W+ Conference: Trina Solar).

JinkoPower & Beijing Energy International sign strategic agreement: At a recently held event, clean energy provider JinkoPower signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Energy International Holding Co.Ltd., which is said to enable both the companies to partner and work together on the development and construction of domestic photovoltaic power generation projects, advanced photovoltaic system design solutions, and power station operation and maintenance.

Akcome successfully produces first HJT cell: Akcome Technology announced that its subsidiary Zhejiang Akcome has successfully produced its first heterojunction (HJT) cell. The cell is based on  a G1 wafer (158.75mm*158.75mm) in size, with an area of 251.99cm², superimposed on MBB technology, with a power of 6.20 W and a cell efficiency of 24.59%. Zhejiang Akcome's first imported HJT 220 MW equipment production line has started production and the installation for production of the second line with 260 MW. The company will have a production capacity of nearly 500 MW by the end of this year. Akcome said it has plans to invest in a combined cell and module capacity of 2 GW (see China PV News Snippets: Trina Solar, Akcome)

Canadian Solar completes 19 MW power station sale in Japan: Canada headquartered Chinese solar power company Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) announced that the company has successfully sold the 19 MW Gunma Aramaki Solar Power Plant in Japan for RMB 420 million ($64.23 million). This station was put into commercial operation in December 2018. Tokyo Electric Power Company is purchase the clean electricity from at RMB 2.28 ($0.35) per kilowatt hour, in accordance with the 20-year feed-in tariff contract that had been signed.

China's residential PV installed capacity touches 10 GW in 2020: The National Energy Administration in China released the latest data on household installed capacity in the country. As per the release, about 3.49 GW capacity had been added in November and by the end of that month, the cumulative residential PV capacity exceeded the 10 GW level, reaching 10.12 GW.  Shandong Province ranks first with 4.57 GW, followed by Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, and Anhui. Among them, Shandong, Hebei, and Henan accounted for 76% of the PV capacity.