
China PV News Snippets: Zhonghuan, Risen, Zhongli, LONGi

Meena Nair
  • Zhonghuan Semiconductor monocrystalline silicon wafer prices rise by RMB 1 to 0.12/piece
  • Risen Energy and Hubei Energy Group sign an equity transfer agreement for the Dongfang Risheng Xiantao 99MWp agricultural and solar complementary power station project in Hubei
  • The first phase of 5 GW large-size and high-efficiency photovoltaic module production line built by Talesun has been put into production
  • Grace Solar wins the bid for a 100 MW ground-based centralized photovoltaic power station project in France
  • LONGi adjusts prices of its monocrystalline silicon wafers upward

Zhonghuan wafer prices rise by RMB 0.1 to 0.12/piece: There has been a rise in the price of Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor monocrystalline silicon wafers, according to Chinese website Polaris Solar Photovoltaic Network. Low-resistance M6 (T175μm) products increased by RMB 0.1/piece ($0.015/piece), as compared to the previous pricing. Now, the price is at RMB 3.35/piece ($0.52/piece). Meanwhile low-resistance G1 (T175μm) products are priced at RMB 3.25/piece ($0.50/piece), which is an increase of RMB 0.1/piece ($0.015/piece) compared with the previous price; and the price of G12 (T175μm) products is RMB 5.6/piece ($0.87/piece), which is an increase of RMB 0.12/piece compared to the previous price.

Risen transfers equity of 99 MWp Hubei Xiantao agricultural project: Chinese solar PV module producer Risen Energy and Hubei Energy Group New Energy Development Co., Ltd. have signed an equity transfer agreement for the Dongfang Risheng Xiantao 99MWp agricultural and solar complementary power station project in Hubei, a report stated. Constructed in Hubei province by Xiantao Chuneng New Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Risen Energy, this photovoltaic power generation project covers an area of about 2,100 mu and has a construction scale of 99MWp.

Zhongli's Talesun production line begins operation: The first phase of a 5 GW large-size solar module production line built by Zhongli Group's wholly-owned subsidiary, Shandong Talesun New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., has been recently put into production. The production line is located at Linzi Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, the solar module supplier said in an announcement.

Grace Solar wins bid for 100 MW power station project in France: PV Solar product manufacturer Grace Solar wins the bid for a 100 MW ground-based centralized photovoltaic power station project in France, said a Polaris Solar Photovoltaic Network News report. Located in a town in the southwest of New Aquitaine, the construction of the project and connection to grid is expected to happen by 2021.

LONGi silicon wafer prices rise: Chinese vertically integrated solar PV company LONGi Group has adjusted the prices of its monocrystalline silicon wafers yet again. The latest prices are:

  • P-type 158.75/223mm with 170μm thickness: RMB 3.25 /piece ($0.50/piece)
  • P-type M6 with 170μm thickness (166/223mm):  RMB 3.35 /piece ($0.52/piece) and
  • P-type M10 with 175μm thickness (182 /247mm):  RMB 4.05 /piece ($0.63/piece).

The 158.75/223mm and 166/223mm silicon wafers have both increased by RMB 0.1/piece ($0.015/piece) from the January quotation, and the 182/247mm silicon wafers have increased by RMB 0.15/piece ($0.023/piece) (see China PV News Snippets: LONGi, Jinko, Goodwe, Guiguan Power)