
Croatia’s Largest Solar PV Plant Commissioned

Anu Bhambhani
  • HEP has commissioned 3.5 MW Vis Solar Power Plant on the Croatian island of Vis, making it the country's largest operational PV project
  • The HRK 31 million project will also feature a 1 MW/1.44 MWh battery storage capacity
  • The subsidy free project will generate 5 million kWh clean power making the island of Vis self-sufficient to cover its electricity needs

With 3.5 MW Vis Solar Power Plant coming online, Croatia has got its largest operational PV project to date, stated Croatian electricity utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP). Located on the island of Vis, the 3.5 MW project is the first of 7 solar power plants HEP is planning to commission between 2019 and 2023, for HRK 750 million ($118 million) (see Croatia's HEP Mulls 95 MW Solar PV Capacity).

The Vis Solar Power Plant was commissioned by EPC company Končar for an investment of HRK 31 million ($5 million) and now provides the island with 5 million kWh of its own renewable energy ensuring reliable electricity supply, very much needed especially during tourist seasons. HEP calls it the first large scale, 'incentive-free and fully market-based' solar power plant constructed on Croatian islands. "

HEP also announced plans to deploy 1 MW/1.44 MWh battery storage capacity next to the Vis Solar Power Plant to ensure the latter provides network stability on the island.

"Thanks to Solar Power Plant Vis and other solar power plant projects in construction such as SPP Vrlika and projects in development including Bogomolje power plant on Hvar and others, Split-Dalmatia County will remain a forerunner in renewable energy sources in Croatia," said Split-Dalmatia County Prefect, Blaženko Boban."

After completion of the Vis project, HEP is working to commission other solar power projects in the pipeline with an aim to build 1.5 GW of new generation capacity by 2030, close to half of which comprises wind and solar power plants. In June 2020, the utility broke ground on the country's biggest solar power plant with 6.5 MW capacity, which is not yet operational (see Croatia's Biggest Solar Project Enters Construction).