
Dutch Solar Energy Potential: 132 GW By 2050

Anu Bhambhani
  • TNO says the Netherlands can look forward to as much as 132 GW of solar PV capacity by 2050 under Transform scenario of its new report
  • To really grow sustainably to meet climate neutrality target by 2050, green hydrogen will be critical to green other industries
  • As electricity demand is expected to grow to about 300 TWh and 500 TWh, nuclear energy may also be required beyond wind and solar

A new study from independent Dutch research organization, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO), counts solar energy's maximum potential for the country as reaching 132 GW in 2050.

Literally translated as Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, TNO explores the future for Dutch energy supply after 2030, under Adapt and Transform scenarios, as the country aims for climate neutrality by 2050.

Under its Adapt scenario, the report expects wind and solar to reach a maximum installed capacity of 55 GW solar PV, 36 GW offshore wind and 7.5 GW onshore wind, not fully utilizing the maximum available potential of the 2 technologies.

Under a more ambitious Transform scenario, TNO expects solar PV to account for 132 GW, offshore wind 70 GW and onshore wind 12 GW of total capacity. In comparison, at the end of 2021, the country's total installed solar PV capacity had reached 14.3 GW (see Netherlands Installed 3.3 GW PV In 2021).

The Transform scenario bats for a behavioral change to make energy generation more sustainable, right from raw materials meaning 90% of high-value chemicals to be made from renewable carbon by 2050. Green hydrogen too will be critical to produce green chemicals, plastics and synthetic fuels for other industries.

TNO stresses that for the nation to become self-sufficient in hydrogen production, the use of solar and wind energy needs to be maximized by 2050. "If this proves insufficient, nuclear energy as an additional source is unavoidable," it states.

TNO Expert and Lead Author of the Study, Martin Scheepers explains, "The energy demand, mainly due to the electrification of industry, is moving towards 300 TWh or even more than 500 TWh cannot be ruled out. In the latter case, you can no longer manage with just sun and wind."