
Efforts To Promote Solar Hybrid Mini Grids In Nigeria

Anu Bhambhani
  • 2 developers have been contracted by the REA to develop solar hybrid mini grids in Nigeria under NEP
  • Nayo Tropical Technology will develop such projects for 800 households and MSMEs in Petti, Kilankwa and Kwali regions
  • Darway Coast Nigeria will add these systems for another 1,000 households, MSMEs and public facilities in Etche Local Government area

The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) of Nigeria has roped in 2 companies to develop solar hybrid mini grids in the country after it entered into performance based grant (PBG) agreements with the partners.

One of the agreements signed was with Nayo Tropical Technology Ltd. that's tasked with connecting close to 800 households, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in Petti, Kilankwa and Kwali regions. The other developer Darway Coast Nigeria Limited will connect 1,000 households, MSMEs and public facilities in Obite Community at Etche Local Government Area.

The REA said it is still accepting applications from mini grid developers with a view to close the energy gap in the country through solar power. These solar mini grids in 4 communities will be developed under the Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP) whose implementing agency is the REA in collaboration with the World Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB) and other partners. Through this private sector driven federal government initiative, Nigeria seeks to provide renewable electricity access to households, MSMEs in off grid communities of the country.

Solar energy is a crucial element in the Economic Sustainability Plan of the Nigerian government it unveiled in June 2020 to enable the country bounce back from COVID-19 related downturn (see Nigeria Wants Solar Home Systems For 5 Million Homes).

In March 2020, Renewvia Energy & Dream Project Incubators set up a special purpose vehicle to deploy thousands of solar microgrids in Kenya and Nigeria (see Solar Microgrid Partnership Launched For Kenya & Nigeria).