
EU Sets Stage For 32% RE Target For 2030

Anu Bhambhani
  • Countries in the European Union will be required to chase 32% renewable energy target in their total energy mix by 2030, confirms the European Council
  • This will need to be supported through market-oriented support schemes, reduced permit granting procedures and one-stop shop methods
  • Self-consumption of electricity through renewable energy sources will be encouraged for households by way of exempting them largely from charges or fees for the energy consumed
  • Energy efficiency target for 2030 for all EU member nations has been stated as 32.5%
  • The directives will be published in the official EU journal on December 21, 2018, three days after which these will come into force

When it comes into force in mid-December 2018, the European Union member states will officially have to chase a 32% renewable energy target, which the group of 28 nations wants to have in their total energy mix by 2030. The Renewable Energy Directive is one of 3 clean energy files the EU Council has now signed out its Clean Energy Package, a huge legislative package aimed at setting the rules to support the energy transition until 2030.

The renewable energy directive for 32% of renewable energy by 2030 will be assessed for upward revision in 2023. It will include roll-out of renewable electricity production to be stepped up through market-oriented support schemes, reduced permit granting procedures and one-stop shop methods. It also takes into account renewable energy for self-generation for households as through rooftop solar panels, to be exempted to a 'large extent from charges or fees for their self-produced energy consumption'.

Another directive targets 32.5% energy efficiency by 2030, and the third directive that was passed relates to governance regulation that defines how member states will cooperate with each other and with the European Commission. It sets out control mechanisms to be able to achieve the 32% renewable and 32.5% energy efficiency targets.

Approved by the European Parliament on November 13, 2018, the 3 directives will now be published in the official journal of the EU on December 21, 2018, just before Christmas. All three files will enter into force on the third day after their publication.