
Europe PV News Snippets

Anu Bhambhani

Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Airport goes solar; Endesa brings online 9.6 MW solar capacity for Incarlopsa; Cero achieves financial closure for 48 MW Italian agrivoltaic project; Galp acquires remaining 24.99% stake in Titan Solar.

Belgrade Airport gets solar plant: Serbia's Belgrade Airport, also known as Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, has announced commissioning of 1 MW solar power plant to be used for the airport. Located next to the new Tesla car park, the project has close to 3,000 solar panels, designed to generate 1.13 GWh of green electricity annually. This clean energy is expected to bring down the airport's CO2 emissions by 900 tons annually. Belgrade Airport is part of VINCI Airports that has 30 MW PV capacity already in operation.

Endesa commissions 9.6 MW solar for meat processor in Spain: Endesa has switched on 9.60 MW solar power capacity in Castile-La Mancha in Spain for pork meat products supplier Incarlopsa. Solar panels have been installed in 3 ham dryers and in a processing plant on self-consumption basis. This capacity comprises PV capacity already brought online at the end of 2021 for Incarlopsa, stated Endesa. It will facilitate the production of around 14 GWh annually enabling Incarlopsa to cover electricity requirement of its production processes with clean energy.   

48 MW agrivoltaic project in Italy: Cero Generation has achieved financial closure for its 48 MW agrivoltaic solar PV project in Italy. The Castrum project is coming up in Montalto di Castro municipality in Viterbo province of Lazio region and is scheduled to come online by the end of 2023. Power generated is contracted to be supplied to Centrica Energy Trading under a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA). This takes Cero's Italian capacity that has achieved financial closure to around 133 MW, while its overall PV capacity under development in the country is now over 1.5 GW. Cero also has a 70 MW agrivoltaic project in Latina province here which received financial close earlier this year.

Galp fully acquires Titan Solar: Portugal's Galp Energia has bought 24.99% remaining share in its renewable energy joint venture (JV) with Spain's ACS, Titan Solar. This takes the company's total stake in Titan Solar to 100%. Galp acquired this stake from Cobra that was sold by ACS to France's Vinci (see French Construction Group To Acquire ACS' Energy Business). Titan currently holds 1.15 GW of solar PV plants in operation and at various stages of development in Spain. About 1.6 GW additional capacity is expected to come online by 2024. Oil and gas company Galp has an overarching ambition to grow its renewable power generation capacity to more than 4 GW in operation on gross basis by 2025 and 12 GW by 2030.