
German PV Market Grows To 3.94 GW in 2019

Anu Bhambhani
  • In December 2019, solar power capacity installations in Germany added up to 339.4 MW, as per the Federal Network Agency
  • Compared to previous year's 2.96 GW, during calender year 2019 Germany added about 1 GW more - a total of more than 3.94 GW
  • Till the end of 2019, aggregate solar power installed capacity of Germany exceeded 49.87 GW

During the last month of 2019, Germany added 339.39 MW of new solar power capacity taking annual additions for the year to 3,943.93 MW. That's around 1 GW more than the 2.96 GW added in 2018.

While the December 2019 numbers are higher sequentially compared to 270.5 in November 2019, these are somewhat lower than the 376.57 MW the country installed a year back in December 2018.

Overall, Germany increased its cumulative installed solar power capacity to 49.87 GW at the end of 2019, according to Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur). This leaves only a little more than 2 GW to go before the country's 52 GW FIT cap is reached.

SolarPower Europe (SPE), the European solar PV lobby association, had guided for around 4 GW of solar power addition in Germany during 2019, just after Spain that was expected to add 4.7 GW in its EU Market Outlook For Solar Power 2019-2023 released late last year (see EU PV Demand Up 104% In 2019).

And the SPE forecast has more or less come true for both the top performing nations as Spain reported adding 3.97 GW AC/4.57 GW DC capacity in 2019, thus taking over the #1 position among European solar markets from Germany  (see Spain Installs About 4.6 GW DC New Solar In 2019).   

German independent think tank Agora Energiewende expects Germany to report 4 GW of new solar power capacity in 2020, while SPE forecasts 5.1 GW in its medium scenario.