
Germany: 434 MW Solar In August 2021

Anu Bhambhani
  • Germany installed 434.5 MW new solar PV installations during August 2021
  • This is higher compared to 400.71 MW added in August 2020, and at the same level as 433.8 MW in July 2021
  • It takes the country's total installed PV capacity between January 2021 to August 2021 to over 3.6 GW

New solar PV installations in Germany during the initial 8 months of 2021 added up to 3.62 GW, with the addition of 434.5 MW in the month of August 2021, according to latest numbers of PV systems registered in the country, released by Bundesnetzagentur.

It is a good jump from around 3.1 GW the country had installed during the same period. Compared to last year's 400.71 MW in August 2020, it was an increase of over 8%, while on sequential basis, the additions were at the same level as 433.8 MW installed in July 2021, previously estimated at 435 MW(see Germany Installed 435 MW Solar In July 2021). If Germany continued to add that monthly level for the reminder of the year if would end up at 5.4 GW, an about 10% increase from last year's newly installed capacity.

Around 294 MW came from systems installed outside the EEG tender scheme.

At the end of August 2021, the aggregate installed solar PV capacity of Germany should have exceeded 57.6 GW.

Meanwhile, the September 2021 federal elections in Germany ended with a mixed bag of results with none of the contenders getting clear majority, but the party with the largest share of voters (25.7%) was Social Democrats (SPD) led by Olaf Scholz. This party is now expected to lead the next coalition government together with the Green Party and Liberals, taking over from current Chancellor Angela Merkel led Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which would very likely mean a big boost for solar. The Greens political party – which said in its election program it wants see 12 GW annual solar additions as target for Germany from 2022 onward – got 14.8% votes (see Germany's Greens Party Wants 12 GW Solar Annually).