
Germany Added 421 MW New Solar In October 2020

Anu Bhambhani
  • Germany installed new solar PV capacity of over 421 MW in the month of October 2020
  • This is more than 377 MW the country added in the month of October 2019
  • In the month of September 2020, it installed around 387 MW new capacity

In the month of October 2020, Germany's monthly solar deployments once again accelerated, now exceeding the 400 MWs level, reaching a total of 421.082 MW, taking the total additions during the 10 months of 2020 to exceed 3.924 GW, according to the Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur.

This means the country is set to not only to exceed 4 GW capacity in 2020, but also the 4.5 GW level, approaching the 5 GW level. On average Germany has been installing well over 300 MW every month this year, and there might be a year-end rush as the government is pushing for a feed-in tariff law revision (EEG2021), which .

The additions in October 2020 exceed over 377 MW installed in October 2019 (see Germany Installed 377.6 MW Solar In Oct 2019). Previous month, in September 2020, it installed 386.9 MW which is an adjusted number from 387.6 MW the agency reported previously (see Germany Installed 3.5 GW Solar During 9M/2020).

During 9M/2020, Germany's solar PV additions were a total of over 3.5 GW (see Germany Installed 3.5 GW Solar During 9M/2020).