
Germany Caps Ground Mounted PV Tender Tariff At €0.0737/kWh

Anu Bhambhani
  • Germany has raised the ceiling tariff for ground mounted PV auctions in 2023 to €0.0737/kWh
  • It cites increased project construction and operating costs as reasons for undersubscription to recent auctions
  • It hopes this will encourage 'adequate bids' to come in to help the country meet its energy expansion targets

Considering increased project construction and operating costs for solar PV systems and higher rates for financing available to developers, German Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur has increased the ceiling tariff for ground mounted solar PV systems to be auctioned in 2023 at a higher end of €0.0737/kWh.

Yet to be published in the agency's official journal, the ruling is in response to Bundesnetzagentur receiving subdued response to its recent auction rounds with the last ground mounted auction in December 2022 attracting the highest winning tariff of €0.0590/kWh (see Another Undersubscribed Solar Auction In Germany).

"By raising the maximum value for open-space solar systems, we are also ensuring stable conditions in this segment in order to be able to achieve the necessary expansion targets," said President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller.

It can increase bids by up to 25% after the national parliament Bundestag vested it the power in December 2022, expanding its ability to raise tariff levels from previous limit of 10%.

New tender round for ground mounted solar systems is due to be held on March 1, 2023.

Müller added, "The bidders should be able to make adequate bids with the new value. The Federal Network Agency ensures reliable framework conditions for the energy transition."

Previously, it had also raised maximum tariff for rooftop solar tenders to be held in 2023 to €0.1125/kWh, increasing it from the previous highest winning bid of €0.0891/kWh (see Germany Installed Almost 600 MW Solar In Nov. 2022).

In December 2022, the European Commission (EC) gave a green signal to Germany to implement its EEG 2023 scheme under which number and volume of renewable energy tenders is to be increased (see EU Approves Modified EEG Renewables Scheme Of Germany).