
Germany Crosses 1 GW New PV Capacity In 2017

Anu Bhambhani
  • In July 2017, Germany added 154.619 MW of new PV, taking the cumulative capacity of the country to 42.16 GW
  • The July numbers are down from 206 MW installed in June 2017 and 212 MW installed in May 2017
  • The share of feed-in ground mount systems in the July capacity was 15.3 MW
  • Only 6.5 MW of auction-based systems were registered in July
  • German solar market is very likely to grow again in 2017, after adding 1.45 GW in 2016 and 1.51 GW in 2016

New PV additions in Germany in July 2017 dropped over 25% sequentially to 154.619 MW. In June, it added 206 MW (see Germany Added 206 MW PV In June 2017). Still, the new additions helped Germany cross 1 GW of PV installations since the beginning of the year, according to Germany's Federal Network Agency.

Only 6.5 MW of auction-based ground mounted systems between 750 kW and 10 MW were registered in July. As part of the regular feed-in tariff scheme,  15.3 MW of ground mount systems up to 750 kW were registered in that month. This compares to 88 MW of ground mount systems registered in June

Interestingly, the newly registered capacity of small systems went up, reaching 139.3 MW in July, compared to 91.7 MW in June.

Germany installed 1.51 GW in 2016 and 1.45 GW in 2015. When looking at the developments in the first 7 months, the German market will be much larger this year, potentially even exceeding 2 GW.

The cumulative PV capacity of the country at the end of July 2017 was 42.16 GW.