
Germany Installed 619 MW New Solar In April 2021

Anu Bhambhani
  • Germany's April 2021 new solar PV additions have grown to 619.45 MW, according to the Bundesnetzagentur
  • It is the month with the highest capacity installed since the beginning of the year
  • These new additions push the country's total installed PV capacity in the 1st 4 months of 2021 to exceed 2 GW

Germany has exceeded 2 GW (2,054 MW) of new solar PV capacity addition in the first 4 months of 2021, according to the country's Bundesnetzagentur or the Federal Network Agency, with the addition of 619.45 MW in the month of April 2021. In perspective, Germany exited 2020 with 4.88 GW (see Germany Exited 2020 With 4.88 GW New Solar Installed).

If the speed of installations continues to grow at the same pace, the country would easily exceed 6 GW annual installations this year, as forecasted by EUPD Research (see EUPD Pegs 6 GW New PV Additions In Germany In 2021). At the end of April 2021, Germany's total installed solar PV capacity under its EEG law should be around 56 GW.

For the month of April 2021, the 619.45 MW capacity comprises 376.4 MW from outside the EEG tenders and 22 MW from ground mounted systems as per the agency.

Additions in April 2021 reflect an around 63% increase over 380 MW the agency reported as monthly addition a year back (see Germany Installed 380 MW Solar In April 2020).

It also happens to be the highest for any month since the beginning of January 2021 since in the previous month of March 2021, it installed 560 MW which is an adjusted number compared to the agency's previous reporting of 548 MW (see Germany Installed 548 MW New Solar In March 2021).

According to the country's current policy targets, Germany aims to install 5 GW annually till 2030 to meet its climate ambitions, a number the German Association of Energy & Water Industries (BDEW) wants to be raised to 10 GW to be able to boast a minimum of 150 GW capacity by 2030 (see German Utilities Want 150 GW Installed Solar PV By 2030).