
Green Ammonia Production Plant In Jordan

Anu Bhambhani
  • Hynfra and Fidelity have launched Jordan Green Ammonia LLC to build a renewable ammonia synthesis plant in Jordan
  • The new company will also build a 530 MW solar and energy storage project along with electrolyzer and seawater desalination plant
  • It will be sited in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone to produce between 100,000 tons to 200,000 tons ammonia on completion
  • Plan is to export most of this produce to the EU, and also some of it within Jordan

Targeting export to the European Union (EU), hydrogen technology company Hynfra from Poland has announced plans to build a renewable ammonia synthesis plant in Jordan with local industrial investor Fidelity Group, powered by a 530 MW solar PV project with energy storage capacity.

The planned project will also include electrolyzer and seawater desalination plant. Once it is online in the next 5 years, the project is likely to generate between 100,000 tons to 200,000 tons ammonia annually. While large amounts of it will be exported, some will be sold locally.

Both the partners have launched a joint venture called Jordan Green Ammonia LLC to build the project. To this partnership, Hynfra brings its expertise in the development of facilities for the production and use of renewable hydrogen and ammonia. Fidelity on the other hand, has experience of building chemical plants and has knowledge of hydrogen engineering.

"Our Jordanian project has a chance to play a huge role in decarbonizing the global ammonia market," explained Fidelity Group Founder and CEO of Jordan Green Ammonia, Dr Wael Suleiman. "Within a few decades, conventional ammonia will be completely replaced by renewable ammonia. At the same time, by 2050, the demand for ammonia production is expected to increase almost four times.

Hynfra says the project will be located in Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ) that apart from enjoying good business environment is close to the Port of Aqaba thus facilitating the transport logistics for products manufactured.

Hynfra CEO Tomoho Umeda said, "Thanks to the close distance to the port of Aqaba, the transport of our products will be easy and efficient. This will allow us to reach both local markets and export to other regions, including Europe. Jordan has excellent solar conditions and strongly focuses on the development of renewable energy sources."

Currently, Jordan is reportedly in the midst of developing its National Hydrogen Strategy which will lay down a regulatory framework for the production, use and export of green hydrogen.

In May 2023, the Polish company joined hands with Japan's Tsubame BHB Corporation and Ukraine's UTEM to build a solar and wind energy powered green hydrogen and ammonia cluster in Bucha city (see Green Industrial Zone In Ukraine).