
India PV News Snippets: Meghalaya, AGEL, NTPC, KPI Global

Anu Bhambhani
  • Meghalaya has issued an EOI to empanel renewable energy EPC companies for hydro, solar, wind and biomass projects
  • AGEL commissioned 925 MW new renewable energy capacity in FY2021, and received LOAs for 8.9 GW solar and wind power capacity from SECI
  • NTPC has entered a 25-year PPA with GUVNL for a 150 MW solar project it won in an auction concluded by the latter
  • Anupam Rasayan has contracted KPI Global to build 12.5 MW solar project for its captive consumption

Meghalaya to empanel renewable energy firms: The Power Department of State Government of Meghalaya has launched an expression of interest (EOI) to empanel renewable energy EPC companies for hydro, solar, wind and biomass projects in the state. Empaneled companies will be able to participate in the tenders launched by the state for aforementioned technologies and provide design, engineering, installation, and operation & maintenance (O&M) services for projects for up to 40 years. Renewable energy facilities will be set up on build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) or design-build-operate-transfer (DBOT) or build-own-operate-maintain (BOOM) or power purchase agreement (PPA) model to sell power. Last date to submit EOIs is May 31, 2021, according to tender documents.

AGEL's total income for FY21 went up by 34% YoY: Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) increased its total income for fiscal year (FY) 2021 by 34% on annual basis. Its total EBITDA went up 41% YoY during the reporting period to INR 26.32 million ($357.7 million). Solar portfolio plant availability grew by 60 bps YoY at 99.5%, while wind portfolio plant availability increased by 540 bps YoY at 95.1%. Capacity utilization factor (CUF) for solar remained consistent in FY21 with plant availability at 100%, while for wind power projects, the plant availability was at 95%. During the year, AGEL brought online 925 MW renewable energy capacity, comprising 575 MW green field commissioning and 350 MW acquisitions. It was awarded or declared L1 bidder for 13.55 GW new capacity which took its locked-in growth up to 20 GW. It confirmed having received letters of award (LOA) for 8 GW of solar projects, 600 MW solar-wind hybrid projects, and 300 MW wind projects, all from the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI).

NTPC to sell solar power to GUVNL: A wholly-owned subsidiary of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), NTPC Renewable Energy Limited has entered a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) for power from a 150 MW solar project. NTPC Renewable Energy won this capacity to be set up in the state of Gujarat under a GUVNL auction in March 2021 quoting INR 2.20 per kWh lowest winning bid (see INR 2.20/kWh L1 Bid For GUVNL's 500 MW Solar Auction). According to news agency United News of India (UNI), NTPC Renewable Energy is currently building 6 GW solar PV capacity in India. One of its major projects is a 4.75 GW solar park in Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.

KPI Global to build 12.50 MW solar power plant: Indian chemicals manufacturer Anupam Rasayan India Limited wants to have a 12.50 MW solar power plant built to generate electricity for captive consumption. It has hired KPI Global Infrastructure Limited to build the project to generate power for its major manufacturing units under a letter of intent (LOI) signed. Anupam Rasayan operates 6 manufacturing facilities in the state of Gujarat and plans to shell out capital expenditure of INR 430 million ($5.84 million) from its recently concluded initial public offering (IPO) proceeds. "It is important for industry players like us to be price-sensitive as well as minimize carbon footprints," said Anupam Rasayan's Managing Director Anand Desai. "The proposed solar plant will help us rationalize our energy costs through an estimated saving of around INR 100 million ($1.36 million) per annum for the next 25 years. This is a significant step in terms of ensuring undeterred power supply and transitioning towards cleaner source of energy."