
Major Project Status For 2.8 GW Australian Hydrogen Plant

Anu Bhambhani
  • Provaris Energy's 2.8 GW solar powered hydrogen project has won Major Project Status from NT government
  • It has now signed a Project Facilitation Agreement (PFA) to move the project forward with government support
  • The developer now awaits a decision for the environmental approval assessment level for the Tiwi H2 Project

The Government of Northern Territory (NT) in Australia has accorded Major Project Status to Tiwi H2 Project that plans to use a 2.8 GW solar plant to produce up to 100,000 tons green hydrogen annually for export into the Asia Pacific region with potential targets being Singapore, South Korea and Japan.

What the status means is that the project will get government support, coordination and facilitation, as well as assistance in identifying and mapping regulatory approvals, a dedicated project case manager and facilitation of engagement with the Australian government.

As part of this award, the developer Provaris Energy has secured a Project Facilitation Agreement (PFA) with the NT government which will enable to achieve timely and effective development of the project.

Previously known as the Global Energy Ventures, Provaris Energy had announced the project back in late 2021 to be located on Tiwi Islands in NT (see 2.8 GW Green Hydrogen Project In Australia).

The location has been picked as Tiwi Islands have existing port infrastructure and an industrial precinct at Port Melville making it easier to export from here using Provaris' proprietary GH2 Carriers for shipping compressed hydrogen gas. The AUD 4.5 billion project will demonstrate the commercial advantages of compressed hydrogen production and export from the Northern Territory to Asia-Pacific region.

"Tiwi H2 is an exciting renewables project – it will not only further diversify our economy, but also strongly position the Northern Territory as a key location for renewable hydrogen production," said NT Chief Minister Natasha Fyles.

Provaris Energy now expects a decision on the environmental approval assessment level in early October 2022 from the NT Environmental Protection Authority (NT EPA), having completed the positive Tiwi H2 Project Concept Design Study on August 1, 2022. The latter establishes clear pathway to progress the project.

According to the current project timeline, Provaris plans to start solar monitoring on site in H2/2022 and sign hydrogen offtake and project investment agreement in H2/2022 or early 2023. It eventually targets for initial hydrogen export to begin in early 2027.

Provaris is also partnering 8 GW renewable energy powered HyEnergy hydrogen project in Western Australia with Province Resources and Total Eren for which it has now submitted key deliverables to the government.

Recently, Total Eren entered a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with NT government for a 1 GW hydrogen electrolyzer project to be powered by 2 GW solar PV capacity to produce 80,000 green hydrogen annually (see Total Eren Proposes 2 GW+ Solar Project In Australia).