
Mexico’s Solar PV Capacity Exceeds 4 GW

Anu Bhambhani
  • Mexico's total installed solar power capacity crossed 4 GW in June 2019 as it grew 32% in the first six months of 2019, according to Asolmex
  • All this capacity comes from 44 operational solar parks that add up to 3,364 MW which is a growth of 34% over December 2018 numbers representing more than $6,500 million investments
  • Another 693 MW comes from distributed solar generation which is up from 570 MW installed in December 2018

The cumulative installed solar power capacity of Mexico crossed 4 GW mark in June 2019 – to be exact, it reached 4,075 MW, and June is not yet over. Mexican Association of Solar Energy Asolmex said from the 3,075 MW PV installed at the end of December 2018, the increase has been 32% to 4,057 MW, reported Global Energy publication.

Back in December 2018, there were 38 operational solar power plants in the Latin American country that have now increased to 44 parks in commercial operation in 14 states with a total capacity of 3,364 MW which is a growth of 34%. Overall large-scale capacity in the country represents an investment of over $6,500 million which has led to the creation of 50,000 jobs in the entire value chain.

Distributed solar power generation represents growth of 22% in the last 6 months; it grew to an installed capacity of 693 MW from 94,893 rooftop solar systems in June 2019, up from 570 MW installed in December 2018 from 85,000 installations. This segment has attracted direct investments of over $1,800 million and created more than 6,000 jobs in the entire value chain.

Calling Mexico a global player in the field of solar energy, and solar PV technology as the most successful and competitive power generation source in Mexico, Asolmex President Héctor Olea said, "The sustained growth of solar energy contributes to meet the country's electricity demand, which is growing at an annual rate of more than 3%."

In September 2018, the National Center for Electricity Control (CENACE) in Mexico said the country plans to add 12,429 MW of new generation capacity to its grid between August 1, 2018 to June 1, 2019, with renewables contributing the largest share of 6.38 GW. Solar was targeted to account for 4,325 MW (see Mexico To Grid Connect 4.3 GW PV By June 1, 2019). However, recently Mexico officially cancelled its 4th Long Term Energy Auction, announced in March 2018. This follows on the heels of a new government that favours fossil fuels for central power generation (see 4th Energy Auction Cancelled in Mexico).