
MiniRen RE Round Gets 56 Bids In Argentina

Anu Bhambhani
  • Argentina's MiniRen round of renewable energy tenders has received 56 bids in total for the 400 MW capacity offered
  • All these bids represent $520 million worth of investment which will be distributed across 14 provinces
  • Winning projects and companies will be announced on July 22, 2019 and PPAs will be signed with winners on July 29, 2019

The Argentinian Finance Ministry's Energy Secretary has received 56 bids for the MiniRen or Round 3 of the RenovAr program. These bids represent a total of $520 million worth of investment which will be distributed in 14 provinces.

Details about specific projects or technology wise capacity interest received were not shared. The financial proposals will be evaluated and awarded on July 22, 2019. The Administrative Company of the Wholesale Electric Market SA (CAMMESA) will sign power purchase agreement (PPA) with winners on July 29, 2019.

The MiniRen round was launched in November 2018 with a total capacity of 400 MW on offer for competing technologies that can be connected to medium voltage networks. Solar and wind together are competing for 350 MW, the other 50 MW will be distributed between biomass, biogas, small hydro and landfill biogas (see Argentina Launches MiniRen/Round 3). The maximum project capacity per project is 10 MW, the minimum is 500 kW.

Except for Buenos Aires where up to 60 MW systems can be built, all other provinces will have a 20 MW cap for total renewable capacity awards in this round.

The government is already working on launching the tender for RenovAr Round 4 before the end of 2019 which will include investments in infrastructure for transmission network (see RenovAr Round 4 RE Tender Before 2019-End).