
Moldova Fixes FIT Rates For Renewable Energy For 2020

Moldova has been in the news for planning renewable energy auctions with the help of EBRD, but nothing concrete has emerged out of this cooperation so far. Now, the country has announced fixed renewable energy FIT rates for the current year.

Anu Bhambhani
  • ANRE in Moldova has officially announced fixing renewable energy FIT rates for the year 2020
  • For solar, the rates have been fixed for MDL 1.88 per kWh and is the second highest after MDL 1.96 per kWh bagged by cogeneration plants on solid biomass
  • Applications can be made by renewable energy generators to avail of these FIT rates once the information is published in the official gazette

The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) in Moldova has announced feed-in-tariffs (FIT) for renewable energy generation from various sources as of 2020. Solar PV installations will be eligible for MDL 1.88 ($0.11) per kWh, which is the second highest FIT level after cogeneration plants on solid biomass, which will receive MDL 1.96 ($0.11) per kWh.

These tariffs will be final once the decision is published in the country's official gazette, said the agency and added that this will be the date when eligible renewable energy generation producers can submit their applications to avail of this tariff. Interested producers need to submit a proof of land ownership for the project.

The Eastern European country is transitioning to a renewable energy auction system with the help of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) that in 2018 was looking out for a consultant to be engaged for the same (see Consultant Sought For Moldovian RE Auction Scheme). In April 2019, EBRD launched another tender for a consultant to provide support to the Moldova government for a solar and wind tender planned for Q3/2019 (see Moldova To Launch Wind/Solar Tender In Q3/2019).