
Nigeria Aims For 2 GW Solar Power In 2017

Anu Bhambhani
  • Nigeria has announced plans to install 2,000 MW of solar power capacity in 2017
  • The target includes 1,000 MW off-grid and 1,000 MW on-grid PV
  • The country is targeting solar power energy in the total energy mix to increase to 3% by 2020

The Nigerian Ministry of Science and Technology has reportedly stated that it Nigeria plans to generate 2,000 MW of clean energy through solar energy. Out of this, 1,000 MW will come from off-grid solar, the other 1,000 MW will be on-grid capacity.

Ogbonnaya Onu, Minister of Science and Technology, briefed local media post his return from attending the 7th General Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), which took place in Abu Dhabi in mid-January.

The annual assembly organized by IRENA brings together government authorities from 150 nations, leaders from international organizations along with private sector and civil society. They discuss to work on a 'pathway to a sustainable energy future'. Nigeria was elected as one of the four vice presidents of IRENA at the event, according to Onu.

Online news portal Nigeria Today quoted Onu as saying, "What is very interesting is that this platform being provided by IRENA is fully supported and also being encouraged by countries that are rich in crude oil. And they are doing this for economic reasons, acknowledging the fact that it is very important that we diversify our energy. If in the future solar energy is competitive, it means that if we do not play a role at this level, then we will be regretting. We are happy Nigeria is playing an important role at this beginning."

Nigeria wants to increase the contribution of solar energy in its total mix to 3% by 2020 and 6% by 2030.

Last summer, Norwegian developer and EPC Scatec secured a contract to install a 100 MW PV system in the Nigerian state of Jigawa.