
PG&E Call For RE Project Proposals

Anu Bhambhani
  • California utility has called for proposals to develop 0.5 to 20 MW capacity small to mid-sized renewable energy projects
  • Developers in Northern and Central California are eligible to apply for this program under Regional Renewable Choice Program
  • The Regional Renewable Choice Program allows PG&E customers to connect with developers directly and pay the latter for the use of clean energy generated by the respective projects

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), a leading investor-owned utility based in California, has called for proposals from renewable energy developers in Northern and Central California to set up small and mid-sized renewable projects with a capacity range of 0.5 to 20 MW. The total target capacity is 75 MW. Developers are free to choose any renewable source of energy including solar, wind, biomass and the like.

The proposals are being sought under its new Regional Renewable Choice Program, also referred to as Enhanced Community Renewables. The utility had earlier this year launched its Solar Choice Program, which was designed for customers to have the option of using solar power regardless of their location or ability or physically install private solar systems. The customers just have to enrol with PG&E to support the development of new solar projects in Northern and Central California.

This was followed by the Regional Renewable Choice Program, allowing customers to directly work with developers of new renewable energy projects. Under this program, customers will have the option to pay developers for the use of new energy directly, in return they will get bill credit from PG&E on their monthly energy statement. This new program also makes it mandatory for the developers to disclose clear and useful information also in its marketing material to potential customers to keep everything transparent about the projects. The developer must also demonstrate that the project is in the interest of the community.

PG&E Vice President of Customer Energy Solutions Aaron Johnson, said, "Building on PG&E's Solar Choice program launched earlier this year, this new program enables our customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their electricity usage and allows them to directly be a part of California's clean energy future. This is a win for our customers and for California." The utility has already connected 250,000 solar customers to the grid. It plans to increase the customer base in this category with the new program.

Starting August 31, 2016, developers have time until September 30, 2016 to submit their proposals. The winners will be selected through competitive bidding, which is to be completed by December 2016. Developers can seek detailed information about the program on this link.

PG&E also said that it plans to come out with two more such calls for proposals in the spring of 2017.