
Romania Releases CfD Auction Schedule For 5 GW

Anu Bhambhani
  • Romania has published an information note for interested bidders ahead of the maiden CfD auction round  
  • It plans to have the auctions launched within next 2 to 4 weeks, to be able to announce winners in December 2023  
  • The country plans to launch the 2nd round in H1/2025 with 1.5 GW allotted for onshore wind and solar PV each 

Romania's Energy Ministry is moving fast on its Contract for Difference (CfD) support scheme for renewable energy, releasing a timetable of its maiden renewable energy auction round for 2 GW onshore wind and solar capacity. It will be followed by another 3 GW tender in 2025.   

Planned to be launched in September 2023, the 2 GW auction will have 1 GW of onshore wind and solar capacity each with winners to be announced in December 2023, according to the information note published by the ministry. The auction will be officially launched within 2 to 4 weeks of this note being released.  

Electricity generated by selected projects will need to be marketed by the generators. Bids submitted will be expected to indicate a strike price, generated capacity to be installed and a target commissioning date.  

The target commissioning date submitted by the bidder in the technical offer will be the longstop date by which the project needs to be commissioned; 36 months for the 1st auction. If not commissioned by then, the CfD term of the project will be reduced from the 15 years as targeted.  

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the country launch the 1st auction of its multi-year plan for 10 GW CfD support scheme with 1 GW of onshore wind and solar capacity to be offered each (see EBRD Backing Romania's RE Auction Plans). 

In H1/2025, the ministry plans to launch the 2nd round with 1.5 GW of onshore wind and solar capacity each.