
SEK 500 Million More For Solar Incentives In Sweden

Anu Bhambhani
  • An additional SEK 500 million has been announced by the Swedish government to be provided as state support to solar PV installations in 2019 by residential and commercial segments
  • This, when added to the total budget of SEK 736 million takes the total available solar state support in 2019 to SEK 1.2 billion
  • The government has also proposed increasing the annual budget for 2020 by another SEK 300 million

The Government of Sweden has announced increasing the 2019 subsidy for solar installations in residential and commercial segment by another SEK 500 million ($51.7 million) in the Budget Bill. This takes the total available for the current year to SEK 1.2 billion ($124 million) to be disbursed for applications received till December 2019.

In April 2019, the government increased the budget for solar subsidies by SEK 300 million ($31 million) to a total of SEK 736 million ($76 million) for the year 2019. Now, with the addition of SEK 500 million, the budget crosses SEK 1.2 billion.

Even for the year 2020, it has recommended increasing the budget for solar rebates by an additional SEK 300 million. "In total, there is then SEK 835 million ($86 million) for the investment in solar cells and energy storage," read the official statement from the Swedish government.

Swedish solar energy association Svensk Solenergi expects the country needs SEK 1.2 billion in 2020.

The Budget Bill is based on an agreement between the government, the Center Party and the Liberals.

Investment support of 20% on installation cost from the government can be claimed by businesses, public organizations and private individuals in Sweden under the current policies. To be eligible for this financial support, all installations must be complete by December 31, 2020.

In 2018, Sweden added 180 MW of new solar capacity taking the cumulative of the country to 411 MW (see Sweden Installed 180 MW Solar In 2018).