
Shortlisted Companies For Central-West Orana REZ

Anu Bhambhani
  • NSW is moving forward on its 5 planned REZs; it has announced shortlisted companies for network operator role for Central-West Orana REZ
  • The 3 consortia shortlisted include ACE Energy, Network REZolution and NewGen Network
  • Final winner, post an ensuing RFP round, will be responsible for designing, financing, building, operating and maintaining the network infrastructure for the zone

The New South Wales (NSW) state government in Australia has zeroed in on 3 consortia of ACE Energy, Network REZolution and NewGen Networks to finally select a network operator for transmission network of Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).

Of the trio shortlisted, ACE Energy comprises Spanish renewable energy companies Acciona, Cobra and Australian electricity distribution operator Endeavor Energy.

Construction company Pacific Partnerships, EPC firm UGL, CIMIC group's CPB Contractors and natural gas supplier APA Group—all from Australia—form Network REZolution.

The 3rd contender NewGen Network has Australian infrastructure investment firm Plenary Group, Spanish EPC company Elecnor, NSW's state owned electricity infrastructure firm Essential Energy and a joint venture between Elecnor and Clough, SecureEnergy as the participants.

As network operator, the selected candidate will be responsible for designing, financing, building, operating and maintaining the network infrastructure for the Central-West Orana REZ. The new grid connections will include energy hubs and new high-capacity transmission lines.

"The network operator will play a critical role in the REZ by connecting power from energy suppliers, including wind and solar farms, and distributing it to energy consumers across the State," said Deputy Premier Paul Toole.

Central-West Orana REZ is among the 5 REZs planned by NSW as the state aims to replace aging power plants here with affordable and clean energy generation. For Central-West Orana, NSW had offered 3 GW renewables capacity but received responses for 27 GW in June 2020 (see NSW Receives 27 GW Interest For 3 GW REZ).

The Minister for Western NSW and Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders added that the Central-West REZ will bring in over AUD 5 billion of new private investment to the Central-West Orana region and create around 3,900 peak jobs during construction period.

The implementing agency of the REZ process, Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) will hold a request for proposal (RFP) round for the 3 shortlisted companies and announce the finalist in 2023.