
Solar Rooftops Get Another Boost Under Spanish Plan

Anu Bhambhani
  • Spain's MITECO has secured approval from the Council of Ministers for its +SE energy security plan
  • €500 million has been proposed to be extended to promote rooftop solar, self-consumption through renewables
  • It plans to streamline processing of renewable energy projects and also make strategic projects viable through modification in the 2021-2026 Electricity Plan
  • Government will provide an additional €1,000 million in financial support for PERTE plan for Renewables, Renewable Hydrogen and Storage to develop new industrial and technological capabilities to boost the country's strategic autonomy

Rooftop solar, energy communities and self-consumption segments in Spain are set to get a boost with the Council of Ministers approving the More Energy Security Plan (+SE) proposed by the Ministry for the Energy Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO). +SE is to protect people against high electricity prices, triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Under the plan, €500 million will be extended to promote self-consumption through renewables. The current limit of 500 meters between the generation facility and the point of consumption will be increased to facilitate the development of new shared self-consumption models. MITECO said other support measures will also be adopted for the shared applications of energy communities and industrial areas.

The ministry added that +SE will also streamline the processing of renewable energy projects and modify the 2021-2026 Electricity Plan to make strategic projects viable.

Additionally, the government will launch a new 2024-2029 plan to integrate more renewables.

Measures included under the plan are based on a strategic analysis of the current energy situation in Spain and the European Union (EU), aimed at reducing the country's gas consumption by between 5.1% and 13.5% while improving energy autonomy and economic competitiveness.

To be funded from the country's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), +SE has 73 measures structured into 6 large blocks including promotion of energy transition, energy saving and efficiency, protection of vulnerable consumers, households and businesses, strategic autonomy and stand in solidarity with the rest of Europe.

It will also increase support for €3,500 million Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) plan for Renewables, Renewable Hydrogen and Storage with an additional €1,000 million to develop new industrial and technological capabilities to boost the country's strategic autonomy.

"This lever will also allow the promotion of an IPCEI around solar PV energy, seeking to lead this initiative at a European level, stated MITECO. IPCEIs (Important Projects of Common Europe Interest) are technology programs that allow circumvention of certain EU state aid rules to boost innovative technologies – and they exist for semiconductors, batteries, hydrogen. Now, there is a discussion how far IPCEIs can support a renaissance of EU solar manufacturing – and Spain is one of the strongest promoters. While there is general agreement that IPCEIs could be one of many tools in a toolbox, several EU solar stakeholders consider them not fully appropriate and too lengthy to answer adequately the massive support for solar manufacturing available in India and the US.

Details of the proposed plan are available on MITECO's website.