
Spain Plans To Tender 10 GW PV By 2025

Anu Bhambhani
  • Spain has come out with a draft renewable energy auction plan for the next 5 years
  • It aims to start with first auctions in 2020 comprising 1 GW each for solar PV and wind, and 80 MW of biomass
  • MITECO says auctions will be held annually and the auction calendar will be updated annually
  • It targets new PV auctions for  total of 10 GW by 2025
  • Proposed draft has been opened for public consultation and needs to be evaluated by the National Markets and Competition Commission

The Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has published a draft of the country's renewable energy auction plan days after the council of ministers approved the Royal Decree clearing the way for one of Europe's leading solar market to hold renewable energy auctions (see Way Cleared For Spanish Renewable Energy Auctions).

The draft establishes a calendar of auctions indicating the minimum volume of power for each technology during the period 2020 and 2025.

As per the auction schedule shared by MITECO, in the year 2020, a minimum of 1 GW each of solar PV and wind power will be auctioned along with 80 MW of biomass. As of 2021, every year until 2025, a total of 1.8 GW PV will be auctioned to reach a total volume of 10 GW by 2020 (see graph), as per the suggested schedule along with other technologies. Auctions will be held annually and the auction calendar will be updated annually. The numbers shown in the table are indicative values.

The draft is now awaiting evaluation and a favorable assessment from the National Markets and Competition Commission. MITECO has also opened the draft for public consultation and will accept feedback till November 18, 2020. It can be accessed on MITECO's website.

Spain was Europe's largest solar market in 2019 due 2 auctions (see Spain Installed About 4.6 GW DC Solar In 2019). But with no renewable auctions being held in 2018 and 2019, and despite an increasing number of subsidy-free systems and rooftop installations, Spain's demand will drop in 2020, giving way to Germany to take the European lead again.