
Sri Lanka Approves 28 Small Solar Power Plants

Anu Bhambhani
  • Sri Lankan government has approved 28 small scale solar power projects to be developed in the country, according to local media
  • Projects will be located in north-central and eastern regions of the country, namely Anuradhapura, Vavunathiva, Mahawa, Pannala and Valachchenai
  • Ceylon Electricity Board will purchase power generated for tariffs ranging between LKR 12.84 ($0.072) to LKR 15.93 ($0.089) per kWh

The Sri Lankan government has given its nod to the construction of 28 small scale solar power plants to be located in north-central and eastern regions of the country. Power generated by the projects will be bought by national electricity utility Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) at tariffs ranging between LKR 12.84 ($0.072) to LKR 15.93 ($0.089) per kWh, according to Economynext.

Contracts were awarded to investors to projects to come up in Anuradhapura, Vavunathiva, Mahawa, Pannala and Valachchenai.

Local media reports do not specify when the tenders were issued or how much capacity these 28 projects add up to.

In January 2018, CEB called for proposals under the country's Soorya Bala Sangramaya Phase II program for 90 small-scale rooftop solar PV projects of 1 MW capacity each to be developed and connected to the grid on a build, own, operate basis (see Sri Lanka Tenders 90 MW Of Small-Scale PV).