
Sunnova Qualifies For ISO New England Auction In US

Anu Bhambhani
  • Sunnova says it is qualified to participate in ISO New England's FCA 15 auction round
  • It can start participating in the auctions as early as 2021 with a target to bring the systems online by 2024
  • In return of committing to supply capacity, it expects to receive a market priced capacity payment
  • CPower will enroll and manage its residential solar portfolio in ISO New England's OPHR passive demand response program

US based residential solar and storage installer Sunnova Energy International will participate in the Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Forward Capacity Auction 15 (FCA15) after it cleared the qualification process held by the non-profit regional transmission organization.

ISO New England holds FCA's annually, 3 years in advance of the operating period to meet future demand for electricity under the Forward Capacity Market (FCM). According to the ISO New England, resources compete in the auctions to secure commitment to supply capacity and in return they are remunerated by way of a market-priced capacity payment.

Having qualified for FCA15, Sunnova's portfolio of distributed residential solar energy systems in New England can start participating in the capacity market as early as 2021 with projects to become operational by 2024. It is partnering with demand-side energy management company CPower Energy Management to enroll and manage its residential solar portfolio in ISO New England's On Peak Hour Resources (OPHR) passive demand response program.

Referring to the Order No. 2222 of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) passed in September 2020 that aims to expand distributed energy resource (DER) participation across all power markets, Sunnova's EVP and Chief Marketing Officer Michael Grasso said, "Our solar + storage service offerings give our customers more control, can protect them from power outages, and now can also participate in helping meet the overall energy needs of New England ratepayers."

In February 2019, Sunnova's peer in the space Sunrun won 20 MW solar power contract under ISO New England's 13th Annual Forward Capacity Market Auction to provide clean energy to some 5,000 homes from 2022 (see Sunrun Wins Solar Contract For US Grid Operator).