
Vietnam Installed 50.7 MW Rooftop Solar In January 2020

Anu Bhambhani
  • VEPG's monthly statistics show the country installed 50.7 MW of new rooftop solar power capacity during the month of January 2020
  • Maximum capacity addition came from Dak Lak province with 7.6 MW followed by Binh Duong province contributing 6.7 MW
  • Till the end of January 2020, Vietnam's aggregate rooftop solar power capacity reached 428.6 MW generating 27,409 MWh for the grid

In January, Vietnam installed 50.7 MW of new rooftop solar power capacity, with the cumulative for the country till the end of that month reaching 428.6 MW. Till the end of December 2019, the aggregate was 378 MW, as per monthly factsheet for this segment released by the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) (see 378 MW: Vietnam's Rooftop Solar Capacity Till Dec 2019).

The country has a target of installing 100,000 rooftop solar systems representing 1 GW capacity by 2025.

Altogether, 23,460 cumulative installed rooftop solar systems in the country till January 2020 supplied 27,409 MWh to the national grid. As per VEPG, Ho Chi Minh City has the largest number of systems in the country, mostly residential, accounting for 275 MW of the aggregate.

As for January 2020 installations, Dak Lak province with 7.6 MW had the largest capacity addition in the month, followed by 6.7 MW in Binh Duong province. Industrial segment added 35.11 MW capacity to 50.7 MW January additions, along with residential systems adding 7.4 MW and commercial 5.4 MW. The government sector added 2.7 MW to the monthly total.